Exhibitor Q&A: Board
Can you please share a little bit about yourself with our visitors?
Board enables Logistics and Transportation organisations to align their strategic, operational and financial plans through connected planning processes and a single version of the truth. Planning processes for large enterprises can be complex and disconnected due to the underlying data sitting within disparate transactional systems. Board work with companies like, Hapag-Lloyd, DB Stations and Services, Unifarma, Hermes, Metro Logistics and many more to reduce their planning cycles and improve visibility of their business and their decision making.
Can you please tell us why you chose to exhibit at IntraLogisteX 2020.
Board chose IntraLogisteX 2020 because it brings together the right calibre of executives from the Logistics and Transportation sector.
What will you be sharing with visitors at the exhibition?
Board is please to have at its stand:
- Case Studies of clients in the Logistics and Transport sectors
- Benefit Cases from those clients
- Demonstrations of its Strategic, Operational and Financial Planning solutions
- Best practice expertise. Come to see our speaker John Strickland discuss the main trends of the sector.
What do you feel are the biggest challenges facing the industry at the moment?
There are many challenges facing the industry today as listed below. For an organisation to meet these challenges and survive it is key that they become more joined up in their planning and analytics approach.
- Digital Transformation
- Introduction of Technology – IoT, Autonomous Vehicles, Electric Vehicles
- Labour Availability
- Fuel Costs
- Performance of the Economy and especially in view of the impact of Brexit and Corona Virus
- Capital Investment