Exhibitor Q&A: Lowpad by Eurotec
Meet Eurotec on Stand 422
Can you please share a little bit about your company with our visitors:
Eurotec is an international operating industrial company dedicated to the development, production and sales of high-tech equipment solutions for logistic processes.
At Eurotec we have a passionate team of people that are working on the development of the Lowpad Family.
These are smart autonomous mobile robots, suitable for autonomous transport of all types of load carriers.
Let them bring your goods from A-B or to a picking station and let your employees focus on value added task.
Can you please tell us why you chose to exhibit at IntraLogisteX 2020.
As a company we are developing rapidly and of course we would like to showcase our award winning Lowpad Family to our friendly overseas neighbours.
Great-Britain has a large logistics sectors, so we certainly can’t wait to expand our business here. The IntraLogisteX show is the perfect place to showcase our AMR’s and get in contact with the right people.
What will you be sharing with visitors at the exhibition?
We will showcase our Lowpad AMR’s and we are looking forward to discuss all the possibilities it has, with the visitors,.
The innovative design and technology we are using enable companies to automate al kind of tasks(mobile racks/roll carts/rolcontainers/pallet moving, piece-picking, etc) in a flexible and scalable way.
This means that we make it possible to automate process without the need to change the current infrastructure and adding extra Lowpad’s to the system can be done whenever necessary.
If the current infrastructure needs to be changed it is done because there is a large increase in efficiency so it pays off real quickly. This are just a few examples, but I’m sure we will cover the other ones during the show.
We will guarantee a visit to our booth will be worth it!
What do you feel are the biggest challenges facing the industry at the moment?
There are two important factors influencing UK’s logistics challenges. With the rapid growth of E-commerce, inventories have strongly increased and also have led to constant pressure for packages to be picked, packed and delivered within a constantly shortening time frame. Besides that has Brexit led to more local production, low warehouse capacity and shrinking available warehouse personnel.
Those two factors are big challenges which luckily can be overcome by automation and therefore we expect to have two great days, busy months afterwards and happy British customers soon.